Anyone else a summer babe? Me too. Well, maybe spring to early, before it's 110 degrees. The light lasting late into the evening, a cool breeze in your hair, the smell of BBQs being lit, swimming like mermaids all day[...]
Anyone else a summer babe? Me too. Well, maybe spring to early, before it's 110 degrees. The light lasting late into the evening, a cool breeze in your hair, the smell of BBQs being lit, swimming like mermaids all day[...]
When we moved into our new home, almost a year and a half ago, I wanted all new furniture. However, my budget didn't. We also had a newborn that we knew would soon be standing and clumsily walking around bumping into anything and ev[...]
There are a few companies that I love to draw inspiration from and Lulu & Georgia is definitely in the top 5 for me. When I ran across this stool, I instantly fell in love and what's even better, I had a ton of scrap 1x2s laying[...]
You know how I love a good table. They are probably my favorite to build. They bring people together. Whether it's your family every night for dinner or a group of friends gathered around for a night of good food, games, amazing co[...]
It's our anniversary week! We will have been married two years on September 29th and I love celebrating anything and everything so we are starting this weekend! Two years sounds so new, but if we are really counting, we've been togeth[...]
Hiiii y'all! Okay, so I am honestly freaking out, just a little, to finally be able to share with you my biggest build so far...and when I say so far, I mean, I have built a planter box and an herb garden shelf. Yep, you could[...]